Chronic Stress is known to lead to a multitude of health conditions and shorten one's life expectancy. Whether you have stress at home, work or in relationships, learning practical ways to reduce your stress will benefit you and those around you.
Practice strategies to reduce stress in your life daily. Following are a few of the basics for stress reduction.
Just Breathe! Relax in minutes…thru breathing.
Breathing correctly helps oxygenate your blood and centers your body. The result is calm and clear thinking. Breathing exercises require only a few minutes of time, minimal effort and training. Try inhaling counting to 3 and exhaling counting to 5, making certain your diaphragm is moving in with inhaling and back out with exhaling. Practice for 3-5 minutes
Listen to Music-Discover sounds that relax you!
Stressful situations can be overcome by taking a break and listening to relaxing music. Playing calm music has a positive effect on the brain and body. It can lower blood pressure and reduces cortisol, a hormone linked to stress. If music doesn’t relax you, try ocean or nature sounds which can result in similar relaxing effects.
Call a Friend
Call a friend to talk or call to check in on their life. Talking to trusted friends is always a good escape from a stressful situation. Friends and family can help put things in perspective: even the voice of a trusted person can have a calming effect. By supporting a friend and being a listener, you can get out of your head and feel the benefit of helping another.
Talk Yourself through Stress
If calling someone is not an option, talking to yourself is a better option than freaking out. Talking out loud to yourself about the reason you are stressed, or what you need to do to complete a task actually works. Remind yourself it will be okay and that most stressful situations are not life threatening. Talking to yourself is not crazy, it is effective.
Eat Smart
Committing to a healthy diet is easy to say but hard to do. Stress levels and a healthy diet are closely linked. When we are most stressed, we forget to eat well. We try to save time by using quick “pick me ups”, (coffee or sugar) which doesn't last. Plan ahead if you are aware that stressful times may on your schedule. Add fruits, fish and other brain foods to your shopping list. Avoid fast food or processed food when possible.
You can laugh or you can cry-both reactions release endorphins that improve mood and decrease stress hormones. Laughing tricks our nervous system into making us happy. Watch a favorite sit-com, movie clip, or You-Tube video. Think of things that make you laugh and keep them accessible. Call a friend or speak with a colleague who always makes you laugh. Laughter is the best medicine in health and in stressful times.
Mindfulness has gained momentum in the health industry. Being mindful requires being present, and aware of your emotions and actions at the same time. Practicing mindfulness daily is calming and helps to reduce stress levels. Participation in Yoga, meditation groups or guided meditation are all great ways to learn or practice mindfulness.
Drink Tea
Caffeine increases blood pressure and creates adrenal overdrive. So while coffee or caffeine helps keep you going, it also stresses you out. Tea has half the caffeine of coffee and contains healthy antioxidants. If you are not in the mood for tea, choose water. Staying well-hydrated is an important component of any health routine.
Exercise (Even for a Minute)
Let go of traditional views of exercise. Embrace that a short walk around the block or morning stretches can offer immediate stress relief. Blood movement releases endorphins and can instantaneously improve your mood. Disliking the gym is no excuse when push-ups, jumping jacks or planking in your office can do the trick. Exercising for only a few minutes several times a day is great for stress reduction: you can build endurance towards longer time increments and get your blood and endorphins moving.
Prioritize Sleep
Lack of sleep is a key cause of stress. Once our sleep cycle is out of whack, it can be a difficult pattern to break. Medical attention may be necessary to achieve the needed seven to eight hours of sleep recommended for good health. Simple changes like shutting down the internet or TV at a specific time, effective time management, and committing to a sleep routine will help to make sleep a priority.
Stress Management Education and Coaching
Stress is manageable. Practice strategies to reduce or eliminate stress, at home, or at the workplace. Many people benefit from coaching or help from a therapist to develop and commit to a plan for stress reduction.
If you are struggling with unmanageable chronic stress it may be helpful to seek support. Having an objective person to speak with can assist with accountability, learning new skills and developing a stress reduction plan. The cost of support is minimal in comparison to the cost of health conditions related to stress.
Today is a great day to practice stress reduction to 'stress less and live more'.