Many of us prefer things executed well and with precision, but there are some individuals who have difficulty letting go of the slightest imperfection, even if it means appearing unmotivated or resigning to accomplishing nothing. Review the following questionnaire and determine whether you might be a Perfectionist.
Read the statements below, noting if you agree or disagree.
1) Nothing good comes from making mistakes
2) I must do things right the first time
3) I must do everything well, not just the things I know I’m good at
4) If I can’t do something perfectly then there is no point even trying
5) I rarely give myself credit when I do well because there’s always something more I could do
6) Sometimes I am so concerned about getting one task done perfectly that I don’t have time to complete the rest of my work
7) I frequently have trouble deciding what to wear in the morning.
8) I find it so difficult to choose a restaurant that it becomes too late to eat out
9) I have difficulty making choices or decisions for fear I will make the wrong decision
10) I always try to arrive early to appointments
11) I feel reassured by asking others to check my work in order to make sure there are no mistakes
12) I will fold and refold laundry if you can see the edges aren’t exactly even
13) I need my work space completely tidy and organized before I can work
14) I repeatedly look in the mirror for facial blemishes
15) I recheck my work repeatedly, searching for errors
16) I stop trying in classes, at work or on projects when I feel I am making too many mistakes
17) I will quit my job or drop a class if I make a mistake and fear being fired or getting a low grade.
18) I put off starting projects/assignment for fear that it won’t ever be done well enough
19) I will delay starting a healthy eating plan until the time feels ‘right’, when no birthdays, holidays, or celebrations are nearby
20) It is hard for me to delegate work because I’m afraid others will make mistakes
21) I tend to read very slowly to make sure I don’t miss any important information
22) I often correct people when they mispronounce words
23) I avoid putting in applications for jobs for fear I will never get them
If you “Agree” with many of the questions, the odds are you are a perfectionist. (If you are still uncertain, read additional articles and questionnaires about perfectionism on this site.)
Being a perfectionist has its perks and drawbacks. If you struggle with perfectionism, it can lead to a multitude of undesired results including negative self image, depression, anxiety, and occupational, relational and academic challenges. Continue learning about perfectionism. There are a multitude of strategies for changing thought patterns and behaviors. Awareness is the first step.
Today is a great day to acknowledge perfectionism.