Using immediate stress relief strategies during challenging or stressful moments is critical to preserving your long-term health. Stress reduction just makes sense. We must view stress as something to reduce or eliminate, not "Manage". It is well documented that chronic stress can and will shorten your life span. Further, chronic stress reduces one's quality of life and negatively impacts our relationships. While it is unrealistic to believe we can eliminate stress all together, we can practice simple strategies that can reduce the impact of daily stressors.
Below are some quick tips to use during stressful moments:
-Take a break from what you are doing
-Take a walk
-Focus on controlled breathing
-Get outside for fresh air
-Call a friend
-Practice relaxation techniques
-Challenge negative thoughts
-Offer to help someone else
-Write down your frustration and put it away
-Ask yourself if the situation is life threatening
-Use your creative side and make something: bake or draw
-Find a way to laugh, smile or be playful
-Practice mindfulness: pay attention to your senses/environment
-Learn to say No to avoid overload
-Recharge by closing your eyes for a cat nap or quick break
-Stay hydrated-drink water throughout the day
-Eat nourishing food and avoid sugary quick fixes
-Choose a few Catch Phrases to reset your thoughts
- I can only control my own actions and reactions
- Everything will be okay
- I have a great life
- I have a lot to be grateful for
We are each soothed by different things. It is important to make a list of stress reduction strategies that work for you. Keep this list somewhere easy to see or make it available on your phone. When we take steps to reduce stress, we add years to our lives, leave room for joy and improve our relationships.
Today is a great day to practice reducing daily stress.